Just Give Up

1 min readNov 25, 2022


Just give up when you keep losing a thousand times.
Not all things are yours to enjoy, not all things are made for you. Maybe yours are out there, waiting to be chased.

Just give up when you know it doesn’t feel right.
You know your soul will drive you to where you’re supposed to be. Stop doing and listen to your heart, the soundless voice screams to you when you’re deaf by the world’s whispers.

Just give up if it doesn’t excite you.
You have limited energy why would bother to spend it on something you never feel happy about. When things wakes you up in the morning, things got you butterflies on your blood to keep you working, that’s when you should continue.

Just give up if it doesn’t feed you contentment.
You deserve to feel safe. You deserve to work passionately. You deserve to be completely who you’re in action to be the best version of yours.

Just give up when you think it’s the end game, turning point to open up another door.

Photo by Bobby Stevenson on Unsplash

